Feed the 24/7 fan


The development of new technologies also influences consumers and fans’ behaviour. They are not only offline but also online on different devices to enjoy sport anywhere and everywhere they like to. But fans are also focusing on the total everytime always-on (24/7) experience . Fans have transformed into always-on consumers of digital content and have come to expect a two-way engagement from the teams, players and clubs they support (Vollmer). For instance, 73% say it’s important to access sporting content ‘whenever I want’ and 83% is interested in out-of-season sporting content. (Canvas) According to Vollmer, once visitors become fans, companies have the responsibility to listen to them and reward their behaviour with an “always on” social media experience that is responsive, interesting, and attentive. If not, companies may face disappointment and disfavour from many of their most valued consumers.

Case studies

Live match cases
  • Higgs
  • VOGO
  • Syncy
  • Super Live center
  • Hawk-Eye
Fan TV/ Chat cases
  • Nmodes
  • EyeCandyLab
  • Live Arena
  • Live Tube
  • SciSports
Venue cases
  • AVEX
  • Foot Analytics
  • WizzyMaps
  • Bitz
  • Ixpole
  • Oveit FacePay
Capture cases



Vollmer, Christopher, and Karen Premo. “From Campaigns to Capabilities. The Impact of Social Media on Marketing and Beyond.” Booz&Co. 2012 http://static2.social-touch.com/download/BoozCo-Campaigns-Capabilities-Social-Media-Marketing.pdf


Canvas8 and Performance Communications. The future of sports Fans. 2016 https://www.fotball.no/globalassets/dommer/the-future-sports-fan_spilleregler_english.pdf

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