Student Team Higgs


Student assignment:


Service factoren

> Inclusive

> Immersion

> Pre and after events

> Using role models

> Unique venue experiences

> Fan’s preference


Keeping visitors in the stadium after the match to include them in asking questions to their favorite players and vote on questions from others.. Creating a new experience with multiple touchpoints to enhance the overall visit, also before and after the match.

Key findings in research:

  • Facilitate an interactive interview after the match (not available outside the stadium)
  • All visitors can send in questions or vote on existing questions.
  • Keep visitors in the stadium after the match.
  • Strengthen the loyalty and commitment to a certain team, allowing a stronger feeling of inclusiveness.

Selected Service Factors:

  • Being inclusive
  • Offering immersion.
  • Nurture pre and and events moments
  • Building unique venue experience
  • Using athletes as role models
  • Being well versed on the fan’s preference.