Letting them shine
Let fans shine in the community with a game funfactor. To engage fans with fun games with the ability to chat and compete to each other will let the fans shine in the community to give the winners credits or prices.
Fans are no longer the passive sports fan, but want to be an active co-creator. This can create new value for the sports and events industry. The sports fan has the ability and willingness to integrate resources and co-produce value propositions. It is important to embrace this co-creation of fan value. Embracing and acknowledging co-creation ensures that the fans are in the spotlight. To let fans shine in the creative process is great for fans wholike to become more active and influential (Canvas8) and become co-program and co-content creators. Professional networks, sports companies, stadiums, clubs must leverage fans’ desires to be part of the action (Tokbox) to give fans the space to be a co-program creator and show up into the spotlight and letting them shine. For instance, to be a fan means they are cheering, supporting a team no matter what, live attendance and following a team/ athlete on social media(Canvas8).
To let the fans ‘shine’, the professional network can better understand their audience – their inspirations, their motivations, how their minds work and what drives their passions – and get closer to them. To take the theory of the ‘Creator’ in our ‘Creating the New’ strategy and activate strategic choices by engaging with a select group (the fans) who are providing a real-world representation of the full audience (Adidas).
Case studies
- Higgs
- Syncy
- Super Live center
- Hawk-Eye
- Nmodes
- EyeCandyLab
- Live Arena
- Live Tube
- SciSports
- Foot Analytics
- WizzyMaps
- Bitz
- Ixpole
- Oveit FacePay
- StayFilm
- Snaptivity
- Texel
Adidas.Company strategy. https://www.adidas-group.com/en/group/strategy-overview/
Canvas8 and Performance Communications. The future of sports Fans. 2016 https://www.fotball.no/globalassets/dommer/the-future-sports-fan_spilleregler_english.pdf
TokBox. The rise of Fan Engagement. A guide to the new wave of live video and interactive broadcast for sports and media companies. 2016. http://www.citynetworkstaskforce.com/LiteratureRetrieve.aspx?ID=191155
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