Name Company
Name innovation
Service factors
- Shine
- Loyalty
- Inclusive
- Everywhere
- Pre/ post moments
Experience phases
- Before
- During (Live)
- During (surrounding)
- During (from a distance)
- After
Category: Live match
Engage audience with captivating live game shows.
Name Company
Name innovation
Service factors
Experience phases
Category: Live match
Engage audience with captivating live game shows.
Higgs helps sport clubs to level up their fan engagement. This especially the case for younger people, through integrating and creating live game shows in a scalable way. The live quiz show can be moderated by a top player (such as Thomas Muller). The show is live in a native App (such as the FC Bayern App) multiple times a week.
Higgs engage fans more and connect them with players and the club to create a wow experience in the stadium. Higgs creates super high fan engagement, especially for younger people between 15 and 35 years, because it’s a fun, gamified and unique experience. Since it’s on their smartphone, the distance doesn’t matter.
Fans are notified by a push notification, and are then able to participate live. During the quiz show, fans have the ability to chat with each other and compete who has the best knowledge about their sports club. There is a leaderboard that shows who the most engaged fans are. Fans can answer the questions live on their smartphone and get the chance to win a prize if they answer all questions correctly. A show takes about 10-15 minutes.
Everyone can participate. The game can be optimised for different types of users.
Fans are notified by a push notification, and are then able to participate live. During the quiz show, fans have the ability to chat with each other and compete who has the best knowledge about their sports club. There is a leaderboard that shows who the most engaged fans are. Fans can answer the questions live on their smartphone and get the chance to win a prize if they answer all questions correctly. A show takes about 10-15 minutes.
The game is strongly connected to soccer clubs and their players. Therefore, tuning into mostly behavioural loyalty of fans, if the game uses these aspects. Behavioural loyalty is when a customer continues to buy or use a particular product, service or brand. Instead of attitude loyalty, when a customer chooses to be loyal because of a positive brand preference (a brand fulfils key functional and/or emotional needs or the customer has an emotional affiliation with the brand).
Fans can play this game at home, in- and around the stadium. It will also be possible to play the game at any moment, for instance at home during a match, or even on weekdays when there are no matches..
However, this usage isn’t fully developed yet. Also, the game could be played at any given time, however this isn’t supported yet.
The target customers are different business partners who could integrate the game in a platform or existing app. The target users of this game could be every visitor of the event. The HIGGS play game is for all types of fans and different visitors, however superfans would be most interested in this game. The end-user can use the service:
the football match, game or event.
The user or company controls all interactions from a unified dashboard. Fans are notified by a push-notification and can then participate live. The service is offered in a SDK to be implemented in existing Apps. Higgs has an ultra-low latency solution enabling real interactions with almost no delay. Higgs solution is fully scalable and has creative and funny features that fans love to increase engagement and make the shows even better.
The service requires collaboration with different business partners such as the clubs, stadium or experts in the sport ecosystem.
The service could be used to attract sponsors.