Name innovation
Service factors
- Loyalty
- Exclusivity
- Fan’s Preferences
- Pre/post event moments
- Unique venue experiences
Experience phases
- During (live)
- During (surrounding)
- After
Category: Venue & Way-finding
Bitz is an easy to use mobile ordering platform that lets customers place their orders and pick it up by themselves.
Name innovation
Service factors
Experience phases
Category: Venue & Way-finding
Bitz is an easy to use mobile ordering platform that lets customers place their orders and pick it up by themselves.
Bitz is an easy to use mobile ordering platform that lets customers place their orders and pick it up by themselves. Good service and short lines will let the fans shine and makes them happy. It’s very easy for fans (with or without disabilities) to order food and drinks with Bitz.
Fans don’t have to wait in line anymore to order food or a drink. It will save time to order ahead and pick-up without waiting.
Fans can place order in an app and pick it up at the location that is closest to their seat.
With Bitz food and drinks can be ordered before and after the event. If the lines are short fans will be very happy. Fans can enjoy the start of the game more because they don’t have to wait in line.
Food and drinks are a very important issue for fans in stadiums. If food and drinks can be ordered before and after the event, it will help the fans to have a better venue experience.
If the service remembers the preferences of fans for the next visit to optimize the experience.
If a fan wants to use Bitz they don’t have to wait in a line. That will give them a sense of exclusivity. If all fans in the stadium use it, it will be less exclusive. Offering this service as a premium addition could be considered.
Data about fan’s preferences can be collect with Bitz, and can be used to improve the fan’s preferences for ordering food and beverage.
There are 2 targets for this service: costumers and users. The target customers are different business partners (target customers are content owners, broadcasters, production companies to collect data) in food and beverage in the stadium.
The target users of this service could be every visitor of the event. The BITZ system is for all types of fans and different visitors. At the moment there isn’t a possibility to target specific target groups simultaneously. The costumer can use the service:
the football match, game or event.
The technology which is used for this service will be on managed and stored through an intuitive dashboard. At the back-end the business partner does have access to real-time sales data. The costumer can use the mobile ordering platform that lets customers place their orders and pick it up by themselves.
To organize a app like Bitz the service requires to collaborate with different business partners in food and beverage in the stadium.
The service could be used to attract sponsors. The service will stimulating sales of products and food/beverages.
Bitz will save time to order ahead and pick-up without waiting.
Collaborate with the stadium in gathering data about foods and drinks. Sell more products that customers like.
To improve network stakeholder value the service could collect information about finance an non-finance value for stakeholders such as: