Name innovation:
Service factors
- Pre/post event moments
- Unique venue experiences
- Exclusivity
- Being Inclusive
- Preferences
Experience phases
- Before
- During (live)
- During (surrounding)
- After
Category: Venue & Way-finding
AVEX contributes by providing trendsetting audiovisual solutions>>
Name innovation:
Service factors
Experience phases
Category: Venue & Way-finding
AVEX contributes by providing trendsetting audiovisual solutions.
Avexs solution helps to unlock the data from the Arena into visual feedback for visitors. Informing visitors is done by showing relevant information on the screens in- and outside a stadium. Nowadays many of the content is scheduled and non-responsive to changing situation. The information on the screens can be optimized for visitors when information changes. Smart combination of data can stimulate decision making of visitors in the stadium.
AVEX wants to create an excellent experience with visual communication tools. The key achievement is to connect this data and use it for pro and interactive visual communication through the stadium, based on simple and user friendly system to create an excellent experience for visitors. This is not working yet, but an intention to be optimised in future collaboration.
Avex wants to show the visitors of the stadium the right content at the right time to support them with information, wayfinding, hospitality, livestreams, commercials, etc. Connect with other partners, like Wizzymaps, VOGO, Higgs, X-Plora, snaptivity, Hawk-eye, Live Arena, Foot Analytics, Ixpole, Compo etc. For the different type and size of events the management of the visual communication on the screens is centrally managed. With one button all content through the stadium can change. The system gives full control over the screens, and content across the whole ecosystem. Through data-drive central management it is possible to get insight in the usage of the equipment, save energy costs, optimize meeting room usage, and much more.
All the information in and around the stadium can be useful for all types of visitors. This strength (communication) can still be optimised.
Before the match fans get extra information. Also, working together with multiple stakeholders will create an environment in which AXEX pro-actively inform users in- and around the stadium. The company reclaims that this results in a better crowd management; longer time spend in the stadium and more advertisement and retail income. They goal is to make people more connected and happier.
AVEX shows fans all kinds of information: shortcuts in the stadium, which bar isn’t crowded, where fans can park their car. Sharing the local information, like the weather. Give shortcuts in the stadium, bars that are not crowded, free parking spots.
AVEX-users have exclusive information about facilities in the stadium.
Data could be combined from different stakeholders to react on the fans’s preferences.
The costumer of this service could be every costumer of the event. The AVEX system is for all types of fans and different visitors. At the moment there isn’t a possibility to target specific target groups simultaneously. The costumer can use the service:
the football match, game or event.
The technology which is used for this service will be on screens and collect live data with up-to-date information about the usage of the equipment, save energy costs, optimize meeting room usage, and much more. Users must make an account or download an application.
The organization of the service require to collaborate with different business roles to create and deliver the service. Actors to cooperate are partners and companies to gathering data and collaboration with the stadium/ the club or event organization itself.
The service could be used to attract sponsors. In short term the service will stimulating sales of products and food/beverages. In long term by supplying great experience.
To provide all kind of handy information to the costumer to make easier decisions, find this better and it will make people more connected and happier.
To improve network stakeholder value the service could collect information about finance an non-finance value for stakeholders such as: